Fallen Women |

Fallen Women Series
About Me
- Charlotte
- I have been making fetish objects from organic and animal by products for many years now; using these substances to capture elemental essence in form To fulfil this intention I have necessarily extended my artwork to encompass performance and installation. I work loosely with the premise which Hakim Bey so succinctly termed as the Temporary Autonomous Zone. Just as I use my fetish objects as spirit houses to catch and transform the elemental, I take literal areas of space and work with installation and performance to inspire interactive and transformative response from the audience. Thus film, workshop, movement, the printed word, graphic novels and the internet are part of my medium, as is playing with and reinterpreting Surrealist Party games such as ‘Exquisite Corpse’ and objects of Religious and Spiritual Power. My process is very much inspired by the animism that I have studied in various parts of the world where I have lived and a personal belief that everything around me has life; therefore everything I create also has a life force which, in turn, has the ability to effect change.